
快要考试了, students may be feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It\’s understandable that they might want to take a break and focus on other important things. However, it\’s important to consider whether休学 is the right decision for you.

休学 can be a good way to recharge and take care of your mental and physical health. It can give you time to relax and avoid stress-related illnesses. You can also use this time to study or work on your assignments and prepare for the upcoming exams.

However, it\’s important to make sure that you have the right reasons for休学. If you\’re feeling overwhelmed because of a medical condition or family emergency, it may be necessary to take a break. But if you\’re taking a break because you\’re not able to focus on your studies anymore, it may not be the right decision.

It\’s also important to consider the impact of休学 on your academic progress. If you\’re able to study and work effectively while on休学, you may be able to catch up on your assignments and pass your exams with flying colors. But if you\’re unable to study or work effectively while on休学, it may make it harder for you to pass your exams or achieve your academic goals.

In conclusion,休学 can be a good way to take care of your mental and physical health. It can give you time to relax and avoid stress-related illnesses. However, it\’s important to make sure that you have the right reasons for休学 and to consider the impact of休学 on your academic progress. If you\’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it may be helpful to talk to a teacher, counselor, or parent about your concerns. They may be able to offer guidance and support.


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