
Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to request the opportunity to resign from my current position as Student English Teacher at [Name of School/University] effective [Date of Request]. I have been working in this role for [Number of Years] years and I have developed a deep passion for teaching and mentoring students. However, I have decided to take a step back to pursue a different path in my career.

The reason for my resignation is that I am currently experiencing some personal challenges that are affecting my ability to continue working full-time. I have been dealing with [Description of Personal Challenges], and I have realized that it is important for me to take some time off to focus on my personal well-being. I am confident that my skills and experience make me a valuable asset to the school, and I believe that my resignation will allow me to better utilize my talents and continue to contribute to the learning environment.

I am committed to ensuring that my departure does not disrupt the academic program at the school. I will be available to assist with any administrative tasks and will work with the school to ensure a smooth transition. I am also willing to provide any additional support that may be needed to help my students adjust to a new teacher.

Thank you for considering my resignation. I appreciate the opportunity to work with the school and am grateful for the support and guidance that I have received throughout my career.


[Your Name]


上一篇 2024年5月23日 上午9:08
下一篇 2024年5月23日 上午9:17


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