
I had to休学了,英文

I had been studying English for five years, and I was determined to take it to the next level. I had taken several courses and had even won a few awards for my pronunciation and grammar.

However, after my parents\’ death, I had to leave my studies behind and take care of my family. I had to work full-time and take care of my siblings, and I didn\’t have the time or resources to continue my studies.

I decided to take a break and focus on my family. I decided to study English in a different way. Instead of just taking courses, I decided to try to learn the language by speaking and listening to native speakers. I started by watching English movies and TV shows with subtitles in my native language, and then I decided to try to speak with native speakers in real life.

I found it challenging at first, but I was determined to learn the language as much as I could. I started going to the library to study, and I even joined an English language learning group.

Through hard work and dedication, I was able to improve my English skills significantly. I was able to understand and communicate with native speakers more easily, and I even won a few awards for my progress.

Now, I am back in school and ready to continue my studies. I know that it was a challenging break, but I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and improve my English skills. I am excited to continue my studies and make more progress in the future.

In conclusion,休学了英文, but with determination and hard work, you can make the most of your time off and improve your English skills. Don\’t be afraid to take a break and focus on your family, but also keep learning and improving your skills.


上一篇 2024年5月14日 上午8:35
下一篇 2024年5月14日 上午8:41


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