2024全国新高考 卷英语试题答案及解析




1. B. 单选题
2. C. 单选题
3. D. 单选题
4. A. 单选题
5. C. 单选题
6. A. 单选题
7. D. 单选题
8. A. 单选题
9. C. 单选题
10. A. 单选题


1. The weather is very bad today.(今天天气很坏。)
2. I have a pet dog.(我有一只宠物狗。)
3. My favorite color is blue.(我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。)
4. I like to play soccer in the weekend.(我周末喜欢踢足球。)
5. The new school building is very beautiful.(新的学校建筑非常漂亮。)


1. The teacher told us that the project was very important and needed to be completed on time.(老师告诉我们这个项目非常重要,需要按时完成。)
2. We were excited to go to the concert last night.(我们昨晚很兴奋地去看了音乐会。)
3. The new restaurant is very popular with the locals.(这个新的餐厅很受当地居民的欢迎。)
4. My favorite book is \”The Catcher in the Rye\” by J.D. Salinger.(我最喜欢的书是《麦田里的守望者》 by J.D. Salinger。)
5. The teacher explained the lesson in a clear and concise way.(老师用清晰简洁的方式解释了课


上一篇 2024年5月11日 下午6:00
下一篇 2024年5月12日 上午8:05


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