一、 I+V+VI
I 表示主题句,V 表示支持句,VI 表示结论句。主题句通常是文章的中心思想,支持句则通过提供事实、数据、例子等来支持主题句,结论句则是对主题句的总结和概括。
例如:In recent years, the number of students who take online courses has increased significantly.(近年来,在线课程的学生数量显著增加。)
在这个例子中,主题句是“In recent years, the number of students who take online courses has increased significantly.”(近年来,在线课程的学生数量显著增加。)支持句“The number of students who take online courses has increased significantly.”(在线课程的学生数量显著增加。)提供了事实和数据来支持主题句,结论句“The number of students who take online courses has increased significantly.”(在线课程的学生数量显著增加。)则对主题句进行了总结和概括。
二、 A+B+C
A 表示原因,B 表示结果,C 表示结果的影响。这个句型可以帮助考生用简单的句子构建复杂的因果关系。
例如:The increase in the number of students taking online courses has led to a decrease in the number of students who attend traditional universities.(随着越来越多的人在线课程,传统的大学学生数量下降。)
在这个例子中,主题句是“The increase in the number of students taking online courses has led to a decrease in the number of students who attend traditional universities.”(随着越来越多的人在线课程,传统的大学学生数量下降。)支持句“The decrease in the number of students who attend traditional universities.”(传统的大学学生数量下降。)提供了结果和影响,以支持主题句。
三、 A+B+C+D
A 表示原因,B 表示结果,C 表示结果的影响,D 表示原因。这个句型可以帮助考生用简单的句子构建复杂的因果关系和结果影响。
例如:The increase in the number of students taking online courses has led to a decrease in the number of students who attend traditional universities, but it has also led to an increase in the number of students who are able to study at home.(随着越来越多的人在线课程,传统的大学学生数量下降,但在线学习也增加了学生在家学习的人数。)
在这个例子中,主题句是“The increase in the number of students taking online courses has led to a decrease in the number of students who attend traditional universities, but it has also led to an increase in the number of students who are able to study at home.”(随着越来越多的人在线课程,传统的大学学生数量下降,但在线学习也增加了学生在家学习的人数。)支持句“The increase in the number of students who are able to study at home.”(在家学习的学生数量增加。)提供了结果和影响,以支持主题句。
四、 A+B+C+D+E
A 表示原因,B 表示结果,C 表示结果的影响,D 表示原因,E 表示结论。这个句型可以帮助考生用简单的句子构建复杂的因果关系和结果影响。
例如:The increase in the number of students taking online courses has led to a decrease in the number of students who attend traditional universities, but it has also led to an increase in the number of students who are able to study at home.(随着越来越多的人在线课程,传统的大学学生数量下降,但在线学习也增加了学生在家学习的人数。)
在这个例子中,主题句是“The increase in the number of students taking online courses has led to a decrease in the number of students who attend traditional universities, but it has also led to an increase in the number of students who are able to study at home.”(随着越来越多的人在线课程,传统的大学学生数量下降,但在线学习也增加了学生在家学习的人数。)支持句“The increase in the number of students who are able to study