
Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by constant attention-seeking, emotional overreaction, and seductive behavior. People with this condition tend to overdramatize situations, which may impair relationships and lead to depression. Yet they are highly suggestible, easily susceptible to the influence of others.


Definition / 定义

Individuals with histrionic personality disorder exhibit excessive emotionality—a tendency to regard things in an emotional manner—and are attention seekers.

People with this disorder are uncomfortable or feel unappreciated when they are not the center of attention.

Typical behaviors may include the constant seeking of approval or attention, self-dramatization, and theatricality. People with histrionic personality disorder may act self-centeredly or sexually seductive in inappropriate situations, including social, occupational, and professional relationships, beyond what is appropriate for the social context. They may be lively and dramatic, and may initially charm new acquaintances with their enthusiasm, apparent openness, or flirtatiousness. They may also, however, embarrass friends and acquaintances with excessive public displays of emotion, such as embracing casual acquaintances with passion, sobbing uncontrollably over minor setbacks, or having temper tantrums.







People with histrionic personality disorder commandeer the role of “life of the party.” Their interests and conversation will be self-focused. They use their physical appearance to draw attention to themselves. They tend to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are. Their emotional expression may be shallow and rapidly shifting. Their style of speech is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail. They may do well with jobs that value and require imagination and creativity, but will probably have difficulty with tasks that demand logical or analytical thinking.







Symptoms / 症状


According to the DSM-5, for a diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder to be given, five or more of the following symptoms must be present:

根据 DSM-5(精神疾病诊断与统计手册),确诊表演型人格障碍,需至少满足以下5条症状:

  • Self-centeredness, feeling uncomfortable when not the center of attention
  •  Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
  •  Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior
  •  Rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow to others
  •  Overly concerned with physical appearance, and using physical appearance to draw attention to self
  •  Opinions are easily influenced by other people, but difficult to back up with details
  •  Excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotion
  • Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
  • Is highly suggestible (easily influenced by others)
  • 以自我为中心,当不是目光焦点时,会感到不舒服;
  • 持续寻求肯定或认可;
  • 不适宜的挑逗引诱的外表或行为;
  • 情绪状态多变,并且这些情绪在别人看来很肤浅;
  • 过度在意外在形象,通过外在形象吸引别人注意;
  • 观点容易受别人影响,但很难提供详实信息来作为支持论据。
  • 情绪夸张,过度戏剧化
  • 易于误认为跟别人关系很亲密,虽然实际上并没有那么亲密。
  • 高度易受暗示(极易受到别人观点的影响)

In addition, the symptoms must cause significant impairment or distress in an individual.



The World Health Organization’s ICD-10 lists histrionic personality disorder as A personality disorder characterized by:


  • shallow and labile affectivity,
  • self-dramatization,
  • theatricality,
  • exaggerated expression of emotions,
  • suggestibility,
  • egocentricity,
  • self-indulgence,
  • lack of consideration for others,
  • easily hurt feelings, and
  • continuous seeking for appreciation, excitement and attention.
  • 肤浅、多变的情绪反应;
  • 自我夸大
  • 戏剧化
  • 情绪表达夸张
  • 易受暗示
  • 自我中心
  • 任性
  • 不考虑他人
  • 玻璃心
  • 不断最求别人的欣赏、追求刺激、追求别人目光。

Mnemonic / 助记口诀

A mnemonic that can be used to remember the characteristics of histrionic personality disorder is shortened as “PRAISE ME”:


  • Provocative (or seductive) behavior
  • Relationships are considered more intimate than they actually are
  • Attention-seeking
  • Influenced easily by others or circumstances
  • Speech (style) wants to impress; lacks detail
  • Emotional lability; shallowness
  • Make-up; physical appearance is used to draw attention to self
  •  Exaggerated emotions; theatrical
  • 挑衅(或挑逗)行为
  • 误以为跟别人关系很亲密,实际上并非那么亲密
  • 寻求别人注意
  • 容易受到他人和客观情形的影响
  • 说话(风格)想要给别人留下深刻印象,但缺乏详实信息
  • 情绪多变、肤浅
  • 在意妆容;利用外在形象吸引别人注意
  • 情绪夸张;戏剧化

The cause of histrionic personality disorder is unknown, but childhood events and genetics may both be involved. HPD occurs more frequently in women than in men, although some experts contend that it is simply more often diagnosed in women, because attention-seeking and sexual forwardness are less socially acceptable for women than for men.


People with this disorder are usually able to function at a high level and can do well in social and occupational environments. They may seek treatment for depression when their romantic relationships end. They often fail to see their own situation realistically, instead tending to overdramatize and exaggerate. Instead of taking responsibility for failure or disappointment, those with the disorder typically cast blame on others. Because they tend to crave novelty and excitement, they may place themselves in risky situations. Their behavior may lead to a greater risk of developing depression.


Treatment / 治疗

The recommended form of treatment for histrionic personality disorder is psychotherapy. That said, therapy for people with this diagnosis is often challenging, because they may exaggerate their symptoms or ability to function. They may also be emotionally needy and challenge the behavioral boundaries set up by the therapist. Therapy should generally be supportive and solution-focused.

Because depression can be associated with failed romantic relationships, patients with histrionic personality disorder often seek treatment when they are experiencing symptoms of depression.




上一篇 2022年4月18日 下午10:43
下一篇 2022年4月18日 下午10:51


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