

Today, my children couldn’t go to school by bus. I was thrilled that they were able to walk instead! As a parent, I always wanted my children to have the opportunity to take care of themselves and be able to explore the world around them. It was a great opportunity for them to get outside and experience the fresh air, see the sights, and be able to锻炼 their legs.

I understand that many parents may feel different ways about walking to school, but I believe that taking the time to let your children be children and just enjoy being outside is important. It helps to keep the body healthy and the mind active. As parents, we want to make sure that our children have the best chance at success in school and in life, and taking the time to give them the tools they need to do so is important.


I’m proud of my children for being able to take advantage of this opportunity to be able to walk to school. It shows that they are self-sufficient, able to think for themselves, and have the ability to make their own decisions. I will continue to support them in every way possible and make sure that they have the resources they need to be successful.

In conclusion, taking the time to give your children the opportunity to be children and just enjoy being outside is important. It helps to keep the body healthy and the mind active, and it shows that your children have the ability to think for themselves and make their own decisions. Whether you choose to drive to school or walk, make sure that you are providing your children with the tools they need to be successful in life.


上一篇 2023年5月13日 上午3:50
下一篇 2023年5月13日 上午4:26


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