上学的时候,我总是感觉特别无聊,因为我总是在课堂上睡觉。 my god,这真的很无聊。 I used to feel so bored in school, because I always sleep during the classes. My god, it’s so boring. I used to feel so bored in school, because I always sleep during the classes.
但是,最近我改变了我的学习方法。我发现,如果我不想在课堂上睡觉,我必须集中精力,认真学习。所以,我开始在放学后花更多的时间来学习。 And now, I have changed my的学习方法. I found that if I don’t want to sleep during the classes, I must focus and learn. So, I started to spend more time after school learning.
但是,学习并不容易。我发现,我必须付出更多的努力,才能取得好成绩。所以,我开始制定学习计划,并严格按照计划执行。 And yet, learning is not easy. I found that I must put in more effort, to get good grades. So, I started to create a plan of study, and strictly follow it.
但是,学习并不容易。我发现,我必须付出更多的努力,才能取得好成绩。所以,我开始制定学习计划,并严格按照计划执行。 And yet, learning is not easy. I found that I must put in more effort, to get good grades. So, I started to create a plan of study, and strictly follow it.
最终,我取得了很好的成绩。我学到了很多新知识,并且感到很自豪。 And finally, I achieved good grades. I learned a lot of new knowledge, and felt proud.
所以,我得出结论,上学的时候,我们必须努力学习,因为学习并不容易。 And so, I concluded, when we go to school, we must study hard because learning is not easy.